Vrij / FREE

In a black and white world, two characters are moving fast and choreographically: They continue to perform the same short movie of their everyday life, locked inside a cinema screen.
Outside, in a colorful reality, two musicians play the soundtrack and create the sound effects of every single silent gesture. Realizing they are caught in this never ending loop, those silent movie characters start looking for a way out, and what seemed impossible at first, will become the discovery of new connections and freedom. But what does 'freedom' means?

FREE is a piece based on a Clownish physicality and the communication through gesture and movement. It is a play about transformation, not a natural and easy transformation, but in a very human way, a long and desperate fight against the feeling of impotence and rooted repetitions, a search of those characters for a new way of life, to discover new things. Is a show about love, fear and the meaning of freedom.